Providence Public Works Complex Roof Support and Truck Storage Stabilization

Portions of the Providence Public Work Complex Warm Truck Storage Facility had deteriorated to the point that walls were threatening to collapse and take the roof with it. Agostini Construction was contracted to enact several measures that would prolong the effective service life of the building till the new Public Works Complex could be built.
Netting was added to the unstable walls to mitigate potential damage and injury from any falling debris from the crumbling walls. Structural roof supports were installed so, should the walls fail, the truss roof would not collapse. Jersey barriers were placed to protect the shoring and structure from vehicles. Two Overhead doors were replaced. A waterline was relocated and backflow preventer added. A new fire alarm system was installed throughout the entre building. Various roof repairs were done including replacing a missing expansion joint and fixing a broken roof drain.
Project Details
Location: Providence, Rhode Island
Architect: None
Value: $1.3 Million